On Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 10:32 PM Sandeep Haripuria via petsc-users <
petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Dear Sir
> I am trying to run an oscillating airfoil case. For this purpose I am
> trying to make use of "neknek".
> I created two separate geometry files , one for the airfoil and other
> for the outside surrounding. I have created the geometry and mesh
> using GMSH. I have attached the .geo and .msh files for your perusal.
1. Nothing is attached

2. Did you mean to send this to the Nek mailing list?



> Now, I am able to successfully create the "naca0012.map" but I am
> getting an error when I try to genmap the outside.rea file. The error
> is shown below:
> ratnavk at vamana 
> <https://lists.mcs.anl.gov/mailman/listinfo/nek5000-users>:~/NEK/test_neknek$ 
> ../trunk/bin/genmap
> Input (.rea) file name:
> outside
> Input mesh tolerance (default 0.2):
> NOTE: smaller is better, but generous is more forgiving for bad meshes.
> 0.01
>  reading .rea file data ...
>   ERROR: error reading    1           1         406
>   aborting 510 in routine rdbdry.
>            1  quit
> Looking forward to your positive reply.
> Sandeep Haripuria
> ThePlattery.Com <https://theplattery.com/>

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