Hello, I have encountered some problems. Here are some of my configurations. OS Version and Type: Linux daihuanhe-Aspire-A315-55G 5.15.0-89-generic #99~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 2 15:16:47 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux PETSc Version: #define PETSC_VERSION_RELEASE 1 #define PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR 3 #define PETSC_VERSION_MINOR 19 #define PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR 0 #define PETSC_RELEASE_DATE "Mar 30, 2023" #define PETSC_VERSION_DATE "unknown" MPI implementation: MPICH Compiler and version: Gnu C The problem is when I type ??mpiexec -n 4 ./ex19 -lidvelocity 100 -prandtl 0.72 -grashof 10000 -da_grid_x 64 -da_grid_y 64 -snes_type newtonls -ksp_type gmres -pc_type fieldsplit -pc_fieldsplit_type symmetric_multiplicative -pc_fieldsplit_block_size 4 -pc_fieldsplit_0_fields 0,1,2,3 -pc_fieldsplit_1_fields 0,1,2,3 -fieldsplit_0_pc_type asm -fieldsplit_0_pc_asm_type restrict -fieldsplit_0_pc_asm_overlap 5 -fieldsplit_0_sub_pc_type lu -fieldsplit_1_pc_type asm -fieldsplit_1_pc_asm_type restrict -fieldsplit_1_pc_asm_overlap 5 -fieldsplit_1_sub_pc_type lu -snes_monitor -snes_converged_reason -fieldsplit_0_ksp_atol 1e-10 -fieldsplit_1_ksp_atol 1e-10 -fieldsplit_0_ksp_rtol 1e-6 -fieldsplit_1_ksp_rtol 1e-6 -fieldsplit_0_snes_atol 1e-10 -fieldsplit_1_snes_atol 1e-10 -fieldsplit_0_snes_rtol 1e-6 -fieldsplit_1_snes_rtol 1e-6?? in the command line, where my path is /petsc/src/snes/tutorials.
It returns ??WARNING! There are options you set that were not used! WARNING! could be spelling mistake, etc! There are 8 unused database options. They are: Option left: name:-fieldsplit_0_ksp_atol value: 1e-10 source: command line Option left: name:-fieldsplit_0_ksp_rtol value: 1e-6 source: command line Option left: name:-fieldsplit_0_snes_atol value: 1e-10 source: command line Option left: name:-fieldsplit_0_snes_rtol value: 1e-6 source: command line Option left: name:-fieldsplit_1_ksp_atol value: 1e-10 source: command line Option left: name:-fieldsplit_1_ksp_rtol value: 1e-6 source: command line Option left: name:-fieldsplit_1_snes_atol value: 1e-10 source: command line Option left: name:-fieldsplit_1_snes_rtol value: 1e-6 source: command line??. Please tell me what should I do?Thank you very much. 1807580692 1807580...@qq.com