On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 9:50 PM Shatanawi, Sawsan Muhammad via petsc-users <
petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I hope this email finds you well.
>  My Name is Sawsan Shatanawi, and I am currently working on developing a
> Fortran code for simulating groundwater flow in a 3D system. The code
> involves solving a nonlinear system, and I have created the matrix to be
> solved using the PCG solver and Picard iteration. However, when I tried
> to assign it as a PETSc matrix I started getting a lot of error messages.
> I am kindly asking if someone can help me, I would be happy to share my
> code with him/her.
> Please find the attached file contains a list of errors I have gotten

This error indicates that your preallocation is not sufficient for the
values you want to insert. Now in PETSc you can just remove your
preallocation, and PETSc will automatically allocate correctly.



> Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
> Best regards,
>  Sawsan

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
  • Re: [petsc-users] Help with Int... Matthew Knepley

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