This is the complexity with maintaining dependencies (and dependencies
of dependencies), and different build systems

- Its not easy to keep the "defaults" in both builds exactly the same.
- And its not easy to expose all "variants" or keep the same variants in both 
- And each pkg has its own issues that prevents some combinations to
  work or not [or tested combinations vs untested].

This e-mail query has multiple things:

- understand "why" the current impl of [spack, petsc] build tools are the way 
they are.
- if they can be improved
- and build use cases that you need working
- [and subsequently your code working]

Addressing them all is not easy - so lets stick with what you need to make 

For one - we recommend using latest petsc version [i.e 3.21 - not 3.19] - any 
fixes we have will address the current release.

> - spack: ptscotch will always be built without parmetis wrappers, can't turn 
> on

diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/petsc/ 
index b7b1d86b15..ae27ba4c4e 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/petsc/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/petsc/
@@ -268,9 +268,7 @@ def check_fortran_compiler(self):
     depends_on("metis@5:~int64", when="@3.8:+metis~int64")
     depends_on("metis@5:+int64", when="@3.8:+metis+int64")
-    # PTScotch: Currently disable Parmetis wrapper, this means
-    # nested disection won't be available thought PTScotch
-    depends_on("scotch+esmumps~metis+mpi", when="+ptscotch")
+    depends_on("scotch+esmumps+mpi", when="+ptscotch")
     depends_on("scotch+int64", when="+ptscotch+int64")
     depends_on("hdf5@:1.10+mpi", when="@:3.12+hdf5+mpi")

Now you can try:

spack install petsc~metis+ptscotch ^scotch+metis
spack install petsc~metis+ptscotch ^scotch~metis [~metis is the default for 

Note the following comment in 

    # Vendored dependency of METIS/ParMETIS conflicts with standard
    # installations
    conflicts("metis", when="+metis")
    conflicts("parmetis", when="+metis")

> - classical: ptscotch will always be built with parmetis wrappers, can't seem 
> to turn off

Looks like spack uses cmake build of ptscotch. PETSc uses Makefile interface. 
It likely doesn't support turning off metis wrappers [without hacks].

So you might either need to hack scotch build via petsc - or just install it 
separately - and use it with petsc.

I see  an effort to migrate scotch build in petsc to cmake;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!dL00pokNVI6oaNk_chaSyfI1zWFeTgYA9jbRW6n9YT73s51VwLBuXYc-MAJWEKXr8uBgEFrmhFQ_VJOSlvzW6OA$;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!dL00pokNVI6oaNk_chaSyfI1zWFeTgYA9jbRW6n9YT73s51VwLBuXYc-MAJWEKXr8uBgEFrmhFQ_VJOS6OuSrPs$


On Wed, 24 Apr 2024, Daniel Stone wrote:

> Hi PETSc community,
> I've been looking at using Spack to build PETSc, in particular I need to
> disable the default metis/parmetis dependencies and use PTScotch instead,
> for our software.
> I've had quite a bit of trouble with this - it seems like something in the
> resulting build of our simulator ends up badly optimised and an mpi
> bottleneck, when I build against
> PETSc built with Spack.
> I've been trying to track this down, and noticed this in the PETSc Spack
> build recipe:
>     # PTScotch: Currently disable Parmetis wrapper, this means
>     # nested disection won't be available thought PTScotch
>     depends_on("scotch+esmumps~metis+mpi", when="+ptscotch")
>     depends_on("scotch+int64", when="+ptscotch+int64")
> Sure enough - when I compare the build with Spack and a traditional build
> with ./configure etc, I see that, in the traditional build, Scotch is
> always built with the parmetis wrapper,
> but not in the Scotch build. In fact, I'm not sure how to turn off the
> parmetis wrapper option for scotch, in the case of a traditional build
> (i.e. there doesn't seem to be a flag in the
> configure script for it) - which would be a very useful test for me (I can
> of course do similar experiments by doing a classical build of petsc
> against ptscotch built separately without the
> wrappers, etc - will try that).
> Does anyone know why the parmetis wrapper is always disabled in the spack
> build options? Is there something about Spack that would prevent it from
> working? It's notable - but I might
> be missing it - that there's no warning that there's a difference in the
> way ptscotch is built between the spack and classical builds:
> - classical: ptscotch will always be built with parmetis wrappers, can't
> seem to turn off
> - spack: ptscotch will always be built without parmetis wrappers, can't
> turn on
> Any insight at all would be great, I'm new to Spack and am not super
> familiar with the logic that goes into setting up builds for the system.
> Here is the kind of command I give to Spack for PETSc builds, which may
> well be less than ideal:
> spack install petsc@3.19.1 ~metis +ptscotch ^hdf5 +fortran +hl
> Separate tiny note: when building with hdf5, I have to ensure that the
> fortran flag is set for it, as above. There's a fortran flag for the petsc
> module, default true, and a fortran flag for the hdf5
> module, default false. A naive user (i.e. me), will see the fortran flag
> for the petsc module, and assume that all dependencies will correspondingly
> be built with fortran capability - then see that
> hdf5.mod is missing when trying to build their software against petsc. It's
> the old "did you forget --with-hdf5-fortran-bindings?" issue, resurrected
> for a new build system.
> Thanks,
> Daniel

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