Matteo Semplice <matteo. semplice@ uninsubria. it> writes: >> The way that periodic coordinates work is that it stores a DG >> coordinate field by cell. Faces default back to the vertices. You >> could think about  also
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Matteo Semplice <> writes:

>> The way that periodic coordinates work is that it stores a DG 
>> coordinate field by cell. Faces default back to the vertices. You 
>> could think about  also putting DG coordinates on faces, but no one 
>> had asked, and it is potentially expensive.
>> If you really need them to keep going, face coordinates can be 
>> extracted from cell coordinates. Otherwise, I can do it after the 
>> PETSc Meeting. Or, we are happy to take contributions adding this.
> Hi.
> I mainly wanted to check that this was expected and not a result of a 
> setup of my DM. No need to change Petsc now except maybe issuing a 
> warning if the fallback to continuous coordinates will give wrong 
> results. As for my code, I think I can extract the info from the cell 
> coordinates in a pre-processing phase and if this crazy FV methods I am 
> implementing will survive for long enough, I'll think about contributing.

You can also check out the "isoperiodic" example (src/dm/impls/plex/tests/ex49.c) if you want the semantic that donor and image points are separate points that map to the same global dofs. This avoids having any "DG coordinate field".

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