Barry Smith <bsmith@ petsc. dev> writes: > Unfortunately it cannot automatically because -pc_fieldsplit_detect_saddle_point just grabs part of the matrix (having no concept of "what part" so doesn't know to grab the null space information. 
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Barry Smith <> writes:

>    Unfortunately it cannot automatically because -pc_fieldsplit_detect_saddle_point just grabs part of the matrix (having no concept of "what part" so doesn't know to grab the null space information. 
>    It would be possible for PCFIELDSPLIT to access the null space of the larger matrix directly as vectors and check if they are all zero in the 00 block, then it would know that the null space only applied to the second block and could use it for the Schur complement.
>    Matt, Jed, Stefano, Pierre does this make sense?

I think that would work (also need to check that the has_cnst flag is false), though if you've gone to the effort of filling in that Vec, you might as well provide the IS.

I also wonder if the RHS is consistent.

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