I am trying to serve out OpenVPN (port 1194) through multiple external
interfaces.  It works fine for the external interface $ext_if1 which has
a default route.  When I try to serve it out on $ext_if2 using
'reply-to', tcpdump shows the packets arrive in on $ext_if2 but 
the replies are still going out on $ext_if1.  OpenVPN is listening on 
all interfaces:
$ netstat -p udp -a -n | grep 1194
udp        0      0  *.1194                 *.*

The filter looks correct (with obfuscated ips - but those are correct):
$ sudo pfctl -sr | grep 1194
pass in on em0 inet proto udp from any to port = 1194 keep state
pass in on em5 reply-to (em5 inet proto udp from any to \ port = 1194 keep state

For good measure, I also created a route-to rule for $ext_if2 (which 
should never be used since all this interface will do is serve port 1194):
pass out on em0 route-to (em5 inet from \
to any flags S/SA keep state

The state-policy is set as floating. When I load the rules, I used 
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf - so I didn't flush my state tables so states
persist that are bound for port 1194 on $ext_if1.  Is this my problem?

Any ideas as to why my reply-to filter rule isn't working?

Nick Golder


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