On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 04:13:25PM +0100, Johan Ström wrote:
>  On Nov 14, 2007, at 16:00 , Michael W. Lucas wrote:
> > If the jail is bound to the external NIC, won't it try to talk to the
> > other jail on that NIC and not on lo0?
>  When talking to external world, it goes through em0. However when two jails 
>  are talking to each other it seems to go over lo0 (since its actually local 
>  traffic I guess?)
>  Some tcpdumping (on em0, lo0, pflog0) led me to this, but havent realy found 
>  much docs/examples on pf & jails.

I suggest you to separate per-interface filtering from jail filtering.
For example, you may have something like this (written on the fly, so
syntax may not be acurate):

% # Does it deserve a comment? :-)
% block all
% pass quick on lo0 from to
% # Let each jail talk to itself.  Idem for host.
% pass quick inet from $host to $host
% pass quick inet from $jail1 to $jail1
% pass quick inet from $jail2 to $jail2
% pass quick inet from $jail3 to $jail3
% #
% # Input path.
% # Host filtering: allow ssh from all but jails.
% pass in to $host port ssh keep state
% # Restrict incoming jail traffic.
% block inet from { $jail1 $jail2 $jail3 }
% # Jail1 filtering: allow ssh and smtp, including from other jails.
% pass in inet to $jail1 port { ssh smtp } keep state
% # Jail2 filtering: ...
% ...
% #
% # Output path
% # Host filtering: everything it allowed.
% pass out inet from $host keep state
% # Jail1 filtering: smtp and dns.
% pass out inet tcp from $jail1 to any port smtp keep state
% pass out inet udp from $jail1 to $dns port domain keep state
% # Jail2 filtering: ...
% ...

Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >

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