Daniel Staal wrote:
--As of July 7, 2009 8:56:34 AM -0400, Kevin Kobb is alleged to have said:


I am wondering if it is possible to add filters/anchors with pfctl to a
running instance of pf?

I have put an anchor option in my pf.conf, and I can add tables and
filter rules to that OK. But suppose I had no anchor option in pf.conf;
is there some way to add one with pfctl and insert rules and have them
used? If so, I have not been able to figure it out. This as not critical
by any means as it does work fine otherwise, but I am just trying to
figure out if I am missing something, or it just doesn't work that way.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Well, you can always load a new rules file... But other than that or having an anchor, no. That's kinda the point of an anchor.

Daniel T. Staal

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Pretty much what I figured. I only ask because with iptables it is possible to do this, and I am looking at something that was configured for that. However, it is easy enough to do what I want by adding an anchor first, and certainly not worth dealing with iptables ;)

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