On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 01:10:08 -0700 (PDT)
Micha Holzmann <haldur...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> [ the formerly post was not complete because of my web-session was
> crashed ].
> i am fairly new to OpenBSD. I use it for a home router and firewall.
> Following the recommendations, i want to use the scrub keyword.
> But regardles how i write it into the pf.conf and check it with pfctl
> i get a syntax error message.
> I tried several syntax:
> scrub all
> scrub in all
> After using google and other ressources for hours i found a changeset
> which describes scrub to use
> match in all scrub (random-id fragment reassemble tcp)
> If i try to activate this, i got a syntax error. What have i done
> wrong?
> Best regards

remove "fragment" as that's not a supported option in the scrub context.
have a look at the pf.conf manpage.

- Robert

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