i finally convinced my boss to let me try openbsd in production.  it's
meant to be a bastion/gateway between our corporate LAN and an isolated
subnet for a new project.

my problem is the new rdr syntax.  i need to forward port 80 from the
corporate net into the isolated LAN so that we can access the
browser-based management GUI for the equallogic SAN gear there.  i've
done this at home for years with the old pf syntax, but i can't get it
going at work with 4.7.

i have net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 set in sysctl.conf.  my pf.conf follows:

# /etc/pf.conf
# openbsd 4.7 / uswal1-bastion01

# lists & macros

# interface definitions

# the equallogic administrative "group" ip address for group "dsan01"

# tables

# options

# don't touch loopback traffic
set skip on lo

# let's be a good network citizen (return ICMP)
set block-policy return

# enable logging on the external interface
set loginterface fxp0

# normalization

# queueing

# match rules

# filtering (last match unless "quick" is used)

# rules for $ext_if inbound

# block all outside traffic by default
block in log (all) on $ext_if all

# allow icmp (ping, pmtud)
pass in on $ext_if inet proto icmp all

# allow ssh
pass in log (all) on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 22

# allow http and forward it to the equallogic group ip address
pass in log (all) on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 80
rdr-to $dsan01_grp_ip

# rules for $ext_if outbound

# allow replies to traffic originating inside
pass out log (all) on $ext_if all keep state

can anybody see what i'm missing?  i'd love to score some points
for openbsd at my job (and i'll fall back to 4.6 if i have to) but i'd
really love to get this working with 4.7.  any insight would be much


peter gilman

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