
> If I had the option of installing a more recent OS I would have done
> that,


> and I would not have posted the question.

You use a newer release somewhere else and are able to do what you want?
Are there any differences in your files or your command?

> v3.8 help was
> explicitly asked for.

I see you mentioning 3.8 in both your threads.

> A reply of form "well, on a higher version of
> the OS there are other ways to do it" is

> (a) obvious

Not necessarily.

As much as things change things also stay the same.
Off the top of my head pppoe0 probably hasn't changed much.
I use pppoe(4) also and don't remember it changing. Ditto route ...

I posted my current config on the off chance it might have something
useful in it for you.

I'm not overly interested in reading 3.8 man pages.
I see 3.8 and think I've only got ten minutes to spare but care nonetheless.
I've spent that ten minutes of my time writing an email with an
intention that it might help.
That ten minutes allowed me a cursory reading of your two threads and
a quick compare with my setup. Now that you've posted a great follow
up, here's an hour ...

> and (b)
> completely unhelpful in this context.

The context is that you've posted two threads saying you're confused.
The context is also that a current config may or may not help you (see
my previous point).

You're trying to add a route manually and don't know how to do it?

If you are interested in solving your problem you might answer a few
questions ...

Have you tried uncommenting your route add line in your hostname.pppoe?
Have you tried changing the route add line in your hostname.pppoe from
the wildcard to the specific IP address?

As far as manually adding a route goes, sorry I haven't done that.
Still I would be looking at this:

route [-dnqtv] command [modifiers] destination gateway [netmask]

     The route is assumed to be to a network if any of the following apply to

     o   it is the word "default", equivalent to 0/0

     In a change or add command where the destination and gateway are not suf-
     ficient to specify the route, the -ifp or -ifa modifiers may be used to
     determine the interface or interface address.

I take that to mean ...
route add default -ifp pppoe0
... or some statically assigned address ... or some other form - sorry
but times up ...

In case you didn't notice that is one difference between the route add
line in your hostname.pppoe and mine which is ... why I included it.
I'm a bit of a noob at this stuff but it seemed like an obvious
difference which is ... why I wrote an email.
I suspected it might not help (might not) in which case I'd enjoy the
challenge of trolling through the route man page. Rather than go watch
teevee ... I've written you mail.

Like I said I'm not overly interested in reading 3.8 man pages ...
except now I have for the last hour or so (the quotes above are from
3.8) ...

pf.conf > all the relevant bits are the same.
pppoe0 > all the relevant bits are the same.
route > all the relevant bits are the same.

Please try uncommenting your route add line in your hostname.pppoe and
finding out if you get a route (ifconfig will show you this). Use the
wildcard or the IP address.
Does your command work?
Do you need to change the command?
So on and so forth ...

Best wishes.

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