On 04/11/2012 08:02:41 AM, Andy Lemin wrote:
> Hello,
> I know this has been discussed before, 

You will want to see this thread:
Working example of bi-directional asymmetric ALTQ + NAT ruleset?

It talks about being able to have a single queue
on more than one interface, so you'd use a single
outbound queue on all your internal interfaces to
effectively rate-limit your inbound wan traffic.
You'll want to use the hfsc scheduler because
you're trading bandwidth for latency.  And hfsc has
sub-queues too so that might help allocate the
traffic per internal interface.  I haven't thought 
about this in quite some time but I think that this approach
will work.  But because I've not thought about
it I could be all wrong.  :-)

It's not a perfect solution; it won't work in the
general case where you've more than one interface
you want to limit inbound traffic on.

If sharing a queue on your internal 
interfaces does not do it you could get ugly and
use an extra 2 real interfaces (instead of the loopback interface
as you suggest) and a separate routing table and physically
loop the traffic back.  This is less ugly than having another box.

I suspect the loopback interface approach won't work, but that's
a total guess.  If it does work I'm not sure I'd want
to count on such a kludge continuing to work long-term.

I'm very interested in what works and what doesn't so
it would be good to hear back from you.

> We have to use inbound queuing, without it our WAN link saturates 
> with
> low priority traffic, and we need to maintain headroom for high
> priority VoIP traffic etc.

Don't forget the "empty" ack packets.

> If we had to bounty this, how much? I might be able to get =A3100 for
> a
> bounty?

I heard the number $20,000 (US) thrown around.  I have no idea if
that's a realistic number.

Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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