Yeah, I'll post them up on a webpage real quick.

and to answer someone's question earler, yes, I'm using "quick" rules.  I'm wanting to 
try and keep the
latency down as low as I can.  And I figured that would be the best way to keep it 

> Shawn,
> Multi-interface packet filtering can be tricky.  Could you post your rules?
> Without that, all we can probably say is that you have a
> misconfiguration somewhere.
> IIRC, creating stateful inspection on one interface does not allow the packets to go 
>through other
> interfaces.  This is my first guess as to your problem.
> ==ml
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 03:03:53PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Ok, I'm new to OpenBSD and pf, but I'm quickly getting the hang of it.
>> Here's my setup:
>> AMD 2300 w/ 512mb DDR ram
>> 512mb flash drive
>> 5 10/100 network cards
>> I have 4 networks right now, one of them is the internet.  So let's call them, 
>Inet, A, B,and C.
>> Network C is the network with all mail/web/dns/etc servers on it.
>> A and B are networks, I could really care less what traffic goes to them, and from 
>them, going to/from
>> the internet and each other.
>> I want networks A and B to be able to only access the mail servers on ports 
>25/110/80/443, dns servers
>> on port 53, webservers on ports 80/443, and a couple of other servers via ftp.
>> Should be very simple, I setup some rules to allow all traffic from Inet going to A 
>and B.  I then
>> allowed all traffic from A and B going to Inet to pass through.
>> I then setup some holes on C, to allow those ports to those servers that I want 
>open.  I also allowed
>> network C to access http/https/ftp/dns/mail outside of it's network. I have a 
>"catch all" in the bottom
>> of my script, to just block everything that doesn't fit into anything else.
>> I enable it.. what happens.. I loose connectivity to all the networks.  Nothing can 
>see anything outside
>> of their network.
>> do a ping from the firewall, and you get:
>> ping: sendto: No route to host
>> ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
>> Anyone have any ideas?
> --
> Michael Lucas         [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           Absolute BSD:

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