
If you want to learn about TCP/IP, especially in regards to UNIX, the best
book on the market is:
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 by W. Richard Stevens
You might even be able to get it in Slovakian as it is widely translated.
This book thoroughly dissects TCP/IP.

An excellent general book on Firewalls is:
Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Edition by Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon
Cooper, and D. Brent Chapman

After you've read this, another good book is:
Network Intrusion Detection, 3rd Edition by Stephen Northcutt and Judy Novak
This is a good book to learn about security internals as you have to really
understand how things work to effectively implement a Network Intrusion
Detection system.

Of course, if Daniel decides to write a book, I would recommend that...

Otherwise, the OpenBSD Networking FAQ is also a good place to look:

<> Jim

-----Original Message-----
 May I ask you something before I ask you something? 
If I want to learn more about TCP/IP and that kind of stuff to better
understand firewalling, are there any (there are many I know, but that's
the problem (: ) 'good' tutorials or FAQs or documentation on 'the net'
I should study before I send some questions here? You know what I mean.
:) About flags, attacks, sniffers, port scans and so on. I spend 70% of
my time allocated to learn more about this only by searching for some
good documentation. So would you be please so kind and direct me to some
links where I can find 'the knowldege'? :o)

Thank you very much.

Peter Hunčár

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