On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 07:40:09PM +0100, Henning Brauer wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 01:30:09PM -0500, Michael Shalayeff wrote:
> > Making, drinking tea and reading an opus magnum from Henning Brauer:
> > > well, that sucks. you can justify any code with any imaginary setup.
> > i do not understand you persistant resistance here, but even
> > simple class-c network and M ports on each and K source addrs,
> > gives K*M*256, say M=4, K=8 is 8192,
> > compared that to one hash lookup of O(1) is a serious
> > gain, and that is not imaginary guitar notes, dude.
> I'm not questioning this.
> I'm questing wether we still should bring new shit in. The number of bugs we
> found recently is scary, and the new shit needs serious testing. And adding
> _more_ features is for sure not helpfull.

As a user, please: stability and correctness before new cool stuff.

Don't get me wrong: new cool stuff is good.

Making existing cool stuff work correctly is better.

Designing current interfaces with an eye towards later reuse by
planned new cool stuff is also better.

But my pager never going off is best of all.


Michael Lucas           [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]

           Absolute BSD:   http://www.AbsoluteBSD.com/

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