On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 17:19, Mike Frantzen wrote:
> > I'm not suggesting it's PF's fault (hence the quotes around "broken"). 
> > If you've followed recent developments, you'd understand the reason
> > Linux NFS doesn't work through normalized PF (scrub) is that the PF
> > developers refused to respect the DF bit on fragmented Linux NFS traffic
> > without understanding WHY in the hell they wanted to do it that way.
> It's not that we refused to respect it.  We respect it.  Hell, we even
> admit it makes sense in some situations.  But it is open for ambiguous
> interpretation and thus SCRUB must normalize it away.

Sorry, I meant "respect" as in "acknowledge the use of and capitulate". 
There's your ambiguous interpretation.  ;-)

Seriously, the reasoning behind this issue isn't in question, I just
wanted to know when/if this was being resolved in cvs.  The answer has
come forth, the thread can gracefully exit().


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