This box contains both the web and email server. Our employees only access the email server via a web client through https (port 443, ms sql server is 1433 and 1434). Everyone can connect however some people get a "Page cannot be displayed" message with Internet Explorer when trying to send an email. I think this is happening because pf is blocking some of the port 443 traffic and I don't know why.



port 443 (ms sql server traffic) is being blocked because you dont have a
rule to pass it in

your ruleset allows only smtp, ssh, and https to come in, everything else
is being blocked

is that the only "problem" you are having? or is the email not functioning
properly either?


On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Sid Keller wrote:

I having some problems with my rulesets for an email server.  The server
is not behind a firewall but I have pf enabled on the server.  Here is
my ruleset.

# Variable Section
nonroute="{,,,, }"
approved_mgmt_net="{ x.x.x.x }"
server_ip="{ x.x.x.x }"
#        Firewall Rulebase Begin
#        Packet Normalization (deny fragmented packets)
scrub in all
#        Default Deny
block in log all
#        Allow Loopback Packets
pass in  quick on lo0 all
pass out quick on lo0 all
#        Drop Spoofed Packets
block in  log quick on $int_if from $nonroute to any
block out log quick on $int_if from any to $nonroute
#        Drop wrong TCP Flags
block in quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to any flags FUP/FUP
#        Firewall RULES
pass  in quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from $approved_mgmt_net to
$server_ip port ssh
pass in  quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to $server_ip port
https flags S/SA modulate state
pass in  quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to $server_ip port {
smtp } flags S/SA modulate state
#        Allow Return Traffic and Connection From Firewall
pass out on $int_if inet proto { tcp, udp, icmp } all keep state

Here is a snippet from my pflog file using tcpdump -n -e -ttt.

Mar 07 10:58:10.177507 rule 1/0(match): block in on fxp0:
user.ip.address.1501 > my.ip.address.443: F 71818460:71818460(0) ack
3194040235 win 5549 (DF)
Mar 07 10:58:10.183314 rule 1/0(match): block in on fxp0:
user.ip.address.1502 > my.ip.address.443: F 71819657:71819657(0) ack
963312026 win 5549 (DF)
 Mar 07 11:52:59.986506 rule 1/0(match): block in on fxp0:
user.ip.address.1586 > my.ip.address.443: R 75169994:75169994(0) win 0 (DF)
Mar 07 11:52:59.990614 rule 1/0(match): block in on fxp0:
user.ip.address.1585 > my.ip.address.443: R 75170656:75170656(0) win 0 (DF)

I'm curious as to why the above traffic is being block on port 443.

Thanks for your help.  Any other suggestions concerning my ruleset would
be greatly appreciated.

-- Sid Keller

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