The pf user's guide mentions redirection primarily for incoming traffic.... but tonight I had an unusual situation to deal with where an unknown client somewhere on a 150 square mile wireless LAN was infected with Welchia.

I played with rdr to force this person's outbound http requests to all go to a sandbox web server that I setup with some patches and a cleaner.

What would have been even nicer is if I could have intercepted all http requests to my sandbox that tells them they are infected, but still allow them to go directly to, etc. for the fixes.

From what I see there's no way to do something like:

rdr proto tcp from to any except \
port 80 ->

Alternatively, I could try doing this at the DNS level and on my sandbox DNS server, wildcard everything in ".", but create the few zones with real records that I want the client to reach.

Or maybe my sandbox could link to and I can rdr that to port 80 on the real host?

Are there any better ideas I'm missing here?


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