On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 17:03, Greg Hennessy wrote:

> You cant use a transparent proxy with a pure bridge. The connection to
> remote site goes out from the proxy server not the the client.

Well, if you assign to the nics and IP address you can, but maybe this
for you isn't "pure bridge".
Please correct me if i'm wrong.

Anyway i'm still having problems. The client get caught by the rdr rule
but i cannot see the entry in the access.log by squid.

I've made another test, squid listen only on the client
is configured to have the proxy on one ip assigned to one nic on the
bridged box and on the bridged box i've a rdr rule that catch the
connection to that ip... well in this configuration everything is
working good.

Any hint is really appreciated. Thanks


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