Hi All,
I am running 3.2 stable. This is what I am trying to achieve:
I have specified say network to be on a VPN. But only
authenticated users are allowed over VPN, rest all should go clear. Lets
say is authenticated and is not.
The common part of the rules have:
pass out quick on enc0 from to any
pass in quick on enc0 from any to
I haven't added any block rule yet, but have added the following rule:
pass out quick on enc0 fastroute from any to any
also I tried this:
pass out quick on enc0 route-to (fxp0 from any to any (where is the default router)
I mostly have NAT rule:
nat on fxp0 from !fxp0 to any -> fxp0
This works if there is no NAT rules and if the internal address happens
to be a routable address. But I cannot imagine so, with NAT the packet
from still gets encapsulated and goes over VPN. I hardly
know the PF kernel code, but looks like the spd_lookup is successful
(which is right, since belongs to the ipgroup and it looks like saving some info in the mbuf and then
fastroute rule is matched, but its too late, so it encapsulates it.
How can I get around this? Or am I doing something wrong? Pls advise.
Thank You in advance


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