I was searching in archive, but i can't find any solution for my problem
(maybe i don't know good keywords).
My problem:
How count (and ewentually graph) incoming/outgoing traffic to the internet
from hosts which are connected through OpenBSD firewall/nat to the internet?
Of corse im looking for solution which provide counting for each ip on LAN
(not summarized traffic)
Now i'am trying with labels on passing rules:
pass in on $int_if inet proto tcp from $nat_ip to any label
"outgoing_traffic" flags S/SA modulate state
and using:
# pfctl -vsl (eventually pfctl -zvsl when i want clear rule counters)
i have nice sumarized stats for each host in lan (then only rrdtool and it
could be nice graphs). This solution isn't ideal because traffic which is
redirected into ftp-proxy isn't counted. Besides label names are this same
for all hosts (only line number on the output determine each host)
Have someone any idea how to do it?