At 01:25 PM 7/11/2004, you wrote:
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 08:42:58AM +0200, the unit calling itself Jean-Francois Dive wrote:

> > How about the ability to handle IPSec passthrough???
> >
> > I think both IPSec/PPTP passthrough abilities would be a big + for PF
> > for people that are looking for this feature but stuck using a Linksys
> > router to do it...  I don't want to put any maps.. i just want it to
> > work.

> it's the nature of the protocol. Use nat-t and you should not have any
> problem...

I've looked through the pf user's guide, and can't find anything on
"nat-t"... How is nat-t accomplished in OBSD's pf?

It isn't yet, they are working on it last i heard. At the start of June it was supposed to be done in 3 weeks....

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

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