On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 04:18, Paul Cusbish wrote:
> My problem is with route-to.  It seems to have no effect in my case.  For the 
> record, I don't have any nat rules on this link - My suspicion is that the nat'd 
> link is "grabbing" the packet bound for the route-to gateway, but i'm probably wrong.

while it seems unrelated to the question at hand--if you don't have an
outbound NAT for traffic exiting this interface, how is this supposed to
work?  is your LAN addressed with publicly-routed IP's?

> my route-to line is as follows:
> pass in quick on xl0 route-to ($adsl_if $adsl_nexthop) inet proto tcp from 
> $workstation to any port 25 keep state

> I can attach more rules if needed

i think that would be beneficial.


Faster, faster, you fool, you fool! -- Bill Cosby

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