On Thu, 2004-08-19 at 06:51, Ilya A. Kovalenko wrote:
>    Good day,
>   I trying to pass any outgoing TCP connections from my
> office (<nPrivate>) onto campus network (<nPublic>) sites,
> but block any incoming connections from campus to office.
> Can use for it, PF ruleset like this (on 2-ifaced GW
> between office & campus):
> --------------------------------------------
> > block            in            all
> > block return-rst in proto tcp  all
> > 
> > pass             in on lo0     all
> > 
> > pass  in  from <nPublic>  to <nPublic>
> > pass  in  from <nPrivate> to <nPublic>
> > pass  in  from <nPrivate> to <nPrivate>
> > 
> > pass  in proto tcp  from <nPrivate>  to <nPublic> keep state
> --------------------------------------------
> I suppose to think, that last rule would create state for
> outgoing connection and pass all campus packets for it.
>   But it seems to does not work ... or I missed some other
> factors.
>   Should it work ?
> Previously, I've used construction like this
> > pass  in proto tcp  from <nPublic>  to <nPrivate>
> > block in proto tcp  from <nPublic>  to <nPrivate> flags S/SA
> but it has security issue - public host could send spoofed
> TCP packet, on which, internal host responds with RST.
>   So public host could perform ping-scan (by nmap, for example)
> for internal network.

if that's your concern--do some anti-spoofing (there's actually a
shortcut version of this in 3.5, but it's just as easy to do it

block in all
block return-rst in proto tcp  all
block in quick on ! $private_if from <nPrivate>
[ ... rest of rules ... ]


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