On Sep 1, 2004, at 20:11, Daniel Hartmeier wrote:

On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 06:43:45PM +0200, Matthijs Bomhoff wrote:

(Or is this already possible with pf, but did I just miss it? :)

Try the 'user' (or 'group') options, see pf.conf(5).

If an incoming connection matches a listening socket (on the firewall
itself), 'user != unknown' is true.

Maybe that can be used to do what you want?

For block rules, that would do I suppose, but for redirection it wouldn't, would it?

What I would like to do, is something like the following (just an example) :

rdr proto tcp to (dc0) port 80 ! open -> port 80

i.e. redirect connections to the local webserver to some other host when the local webserver is not listening.
if I understand the pf.conf(5) man page, user/group is only applicable for packet filtering, not for redirection etc.

Any suggestions for such a thing?

thanks for your time,


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