Hi Lars,
Thank you for the response,

No, you apply queueing to both BUT you can only queue outgoing traffic *on that interface*. So on ext_if you'd queue outbound traffic and on int_if you'd queue inbound traffic. Note that you cant really queue traffic that is being sent *to you* directly since by the time the packet get to your machine it's already gone over the wire. All queueing that applies to inbound traffic is indirect.

So does this mean that I need to define and use 2 queues? One for $ext_if and one for $int_if and apply queueing to the outgoing traffic on that interface? or use 1 queue and define both outgoing data on both interface to that queue?

ex: A

altq on $ext_if priq bandwidth 768Kb queue { http, default }
queue http priority 10
queue default priq(default)

pass out quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 8080 queue http
pass out quick on $int_if proto tcp from any port 8080 to any queue http


altq on $ext_if priq bandwidth 768Kb queue { http0, default }
queue http0 priority 10
queue default priq(default)

altq on $int_if priq bandwidth 768Kb queue { http1, default }
queue http1 priority 10
queue default priq(default)

pass out quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 8080 queue http0
pass out quick on $int_if proto tcp from any port 8080 to any queue http1



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