On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 02:54:52PM +0100, Jochen Gensch wrote:

> pass out quick on $dsl_device inet proto icmp from ($dsl_device) to any
> keep state queue high_prio_ext
> pass out quick on $dsl_device proto udp from ($dsl_device) to any port
> 53 keep state queue high_prio_ext
> pass out quick on $dsl_device proto udp from ($dsl_device) to any port
> 27000:28000 keep state queue high_prio_ext
> pass out quick on $dsl_device from ($dsl_device) to any keep state queue
> low_prio_ext
> pass in  quick on $dsl_device inet proto icmp all icmp-type 8 keep state
> So the only things I want prioritise is ICMP, DNS and UDP Connections to
> a specific port range. However this doesn't work for the connections to
> the port range. It gets very lagy. There is no difference to working
> without that rule.

Watch the output of pfctl -vvsq while you send out traffic. Are counters
for the individual queues increasing? If only counters of the default
queue are increasing, queue assignment isn't working. You might have
other rules that match last (earlier rules with 'quick' without 'queue'
options), or your rules are not matching at all (because of

Create a connection, run pfctl -vvss, you should see a state entry for
your connection. Find the rule that created the state entry (through the
rule number printed by pfctl -vvss, corresponding to the @number part of
pfctl -vvsr output). Check what 'queue' parameter that particual rule
has. If it doesn't have any, that's why packets of the connection are
assigned to the default queue.


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