On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 16:59:53 -0600, eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 11:22:15 +1300, Russell Fulton proclaimed...
> >       I want to monitor the output from pflog in more or less real time.  It
> > isn't clear to me what is the best (read simplest ;) way to do this.
> > What I really want is a version of tcpdump that will effectively do a
> > tail -f on /var/log/pf.  Ideally it would cope with logfile rollovers
> > too.
> What was wrong with watching the pflog interface?
> Actually, you bring up an interesting idea; multiple interfaces for logging.
> Is there any possibility that a far-off-wish-list couple include the ability
> to route packets from a pflog device onto the wire and then monitor that
> traffic? Say on a monitor network or something like that. It'd be helpful
> for those of us who are looking at clusters and several firewalls :)

IIRC, this is exactly what 'dup-to' is designed for.  
It is important to note that dup-to works *exactly* like route-to, which means
that the *ether* frame (assuming the dup-to destination is a hop via Ethernet)
will be recreated (with the MAC of the dup-to destination) but the IP payload
will be exactly the same as the packet being dup'd, including the original
destination IP.  Incautious use of dup-to will create routing loops
and generally
confuse the heck out of your network admins.  This may be considered to be
a feature.


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