I had the same problem with a 3.6 firewall.  I was load balancing over
two WAN connections and needed to force all AIM connections through
one of them - apparently aol doesn't like seeing multiple source IP's.
 Below is the section of my pf.conf that fixed it

#  aim bypass rule - needed to go out only one interface
pass in on $int_if route-to ($ext_if1 $ext_gw1)  \
proto tcp from $lan_net to any port 5190 flags S/SA modulate state


On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 13:03:38 -0500, florian mosleh
> Hello,
> I have a new firewall in development for the college i work at. I have tried
> extensively googling this issue in various ways and have not managed to find
> anything that seems pertinent.
> Essentially, the problem I'm having is that a client that connects to the
> internet through the new firewall (pf on openbsd 3.6) has problems 
> establishing
> a connection to AIM (login.oscar.aol.com). I have performed severl ethereal
> packet sniffing sessions and can confirm that there is a successful connection
> established between the server and the client and then it just drops. Usually
> after about an hour or two of stubborn retrying and waiting it eventually
> works.
> Are there any possible pf configuration snafus that could be at fault?
> The only other factor that I see as possibly contributing to the problem (i'm
> not sure how) is that the internet connection is a set of 4 bonded t1s, but 
> I've
> been given the impression that this shouldn't make a difference.
> Thanks.
> --
> Florian Mosleh
> Network & Admin. Support Manager
> Capitol College
> 301.369.2800 ext.2040
> 800.950.1992 ext.2040
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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