Wouter Coene wrote:
According to j knight ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

I have been following the following doc: [http://www.inebriated.demon.nl/pf-howto], and there are examples in
there that filter for only SYN flags in a SYN+ACK mask. Which is
bizarre bec if I do that it doesn't work.

That howto is old. Three years now. You should refer to the pf.conf man page and/or the pf section in the faq (www.openbsd.org/faq/)

I'm the author of the pf howto. Sorry for any confusion the out-of-dateness
of my howto may have caused. I have been unable to update the document for
quite some time now, so I've decided to just drop the thing. PF is quite
complex enough without my howto confusing people more.

I want to clarify that I meant no disrespect to the document or to you Wouter. I think my tone may have given the opposite impression. On the contrary, thank you for taking the time to write a document that I've seen more than a few people refer to and that I'm sure has halped many users.


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