On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 09:56:48PM +0930, alex wilkinson wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to specify a range within a table ? e.g.
> table <itunes>  const { 8000 >< 8999 }
> I get a syntax error for the aformentioned table, so can anyone
> suggest a method for what I'm trying to achieve ?

tables hold IP addresses, not port numbers.  and even with IP
addresses--no, tables do not support IP addresses ranges (break it down
to CIDR).

how about:

itunes = "8000 >< 8999"
pass in inet proto tcp from any to any port $itunes


"Brian: Seriously, who buys a novelty fire extinguisher?
 Peter: I'll tell you who: someone who cares enough about physical
 comedy to put his entire family into serious danger, that's who."
        --Family Guy

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