On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 09:44:59PM +0930, alex wilkinson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a macro defined such as: 
> EXT_IF="tun0"
> I want to refer to this interface in parentheses in case tun0's DHCP
> ip address changes.
> However, when I use the (...) feature in the following rule for example:
> block return-rst in log on ($EXT_IF) proto tcp all

"on $EXT_IF" resolves to the interface name, not the IP address.
the interface NAME is not dynamic--the IP address is.  use the
parentheses when the token is expanded to the IP address, like if you

  block return-rst in log on $EXT_IF proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF)

> I get "/etc/pf.conf:83: syntax error"
> I can't see anything odd about my rule except for tun0 is a virtual interface.
> Should or can I use 'ppp' for $EXT_INT ?

might i recommend a re-read of the PF User's Guide:



"Chris: Here, it's a Candy-cane. But don't stick it up your nose, it
 burns like hell."
        --Family Guy

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