On 5/4/05, Jon Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 05:00:24PM -0500, Jonathan Camenisch wrote:
> > My firewall is set up and working for everything - almost. It's
> > running NAT and altq, neither of which should be relevant to my
> > problem (let me know if I'm wrong, and I'll post details)
> >
> > It has 3 relevant interfaces:
> > $ext_if - x.x.x.x (running NAT)
> > $dmz_if - 10.0.1/24
> > $int_if - 10.0.0/24
> >
> > I'll continue translating interface names into the above variables for
> > consistency.
> >
> > I have a web server on the dmz at, which I can't reach from
> > within the LAN (10.0.0.x). For troubleshooting, I inserted the
> > following as my first filter rule:
> >
> > pass in log quick inet proto tcp from any to \
> >        port = www keep state
> This probably is not the cause of the problem, but you should definitely
> be specifying which combination of TCP flags can create the initial
> state here.  Try "flags S/SA" as a start.


> > Obviously, the request for the web page is getting to the web server,
> > and the ack packet is getting back to the firewall, but never through
> > the firewall back to my computer. So, I try listening to pflog0:
> >
> > $ sudo tcpdump -netti pflog0 host
> > tcpdump: listening on pflog0
> >
> > ##### ABBREVIATED #########
> > rule 0/0(match): pass in on $int_if: > S ...
> > rule 127/0(match): block in on $dmz_if: >
> > S ... ack...
> > rule 127/0(match): block in on $dmz_if: > . 
> > ack...
> > rule 127/0(match): block in on $dmz_if: >
> > S ... ack...
> > rule 127/0(match): block in on $dmz_if: > . 
> > ack...
> > rule 127/0(match): block in on $dmz_if: >
> > S ... ack...
> > rule 127/0(match): block in on $dmz_if: >  udp 
> > 208
> > ##### END ABBREVIATED #########
> >
> > Now, what's up with that!? The packet entering $int_if matched the
> > first rule - but only once. Subsequant packets going that direction
> > must have matched the state table, since they didn't show up (right?).
> >
> > But returning packets entering on $dmz_if got blocked. Why would they
> > even be filtered? They should be found in the state table. Or am I
> > missing something?
> >
> > I'm feeling pretty stumped. I hope someone has more insight on this
> > than I. Thanks in advance.
> Why the ACKs are being blocked depends on a number of things, but most
> importantly your block-policy and your state-policy.  I'm going to
> assume that your block-policy is 'drop' or 'return'.  Keep in mind how
> the packets traverse this setup:
> 1) SYN from comes IN on $int_if and goes OUT on $dmz_if to
> port 80
> 2) SYN/ACK from port 80 comes IN on $dmz_if and OUT on $int_if
>    to
> 3) Same as #1, but just an ACK
> So, at any point when packet is coming IN or OUT, the firewall can
> reject the packet.  Not knowing more about your ruleset, I can only
> guess as to what your state-policy is set to.  If it is set to
> 'if-bound', then this is a perfect example of it doing what it was
> designed to do.  State was created on $int_if and the packet passed out
> on $dmz_if without creating state, and as a result the SYN/ACK is
> blocked because there is no state entry on $dmz_if.

Both block-policy and state-policy are the default: "drop" and
"floating." I really would prefer floating, since it keeps the rules
more concise.

> My suggestion is to use these two rules:
> pass in on $int_if inet proto tcp from $int_if:network to \
>    port 80 flags S/SA modulate state
> pass out on $dmz_if inet proto tcp from $int_if:network to \
>    port 80 flags S/SA modulate state
> ..And ensure that 'set state-policy if-bound' is somewhere in your
> rules.

Your suggestion worked! Thanks.

But that's really confusing. Why didn't the floating policy work -
especially since it's been working just fine for all my other rules?
Normally I just keep state on the inbound packet, and leave it at
that. I have around 150 filter rules written with that approach, and
everything else is working fine. I'm in business now, but would
appreciate further insight anyone might have.

- jc
> -jon

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