Bernd Bednarz wrote:
I got two connections to the internet and want to do one as my gateway
for everything and the other for request from the outside. Let's have a
look on my example wich explains what I want to do.

  84.158.5.xx(ip1)     84.158.161.xx(ip2)
  217.0.116.xx(gw1)    217.0.116.xx(gw2)
          --------      --------
          |$dsl1 |      |$dsl2 |
          --------      --------
              \           /
               \         /
                \       /
               -tun0--tun1-- pass in on $dsl1 replay-to ($dsl1 $gw1)\
               |           |  from any to any
               |  router   | pass out on $dsl2 route-to ($dsl1 $gw1)\
               |           |  from $ip1 to any
               ----em0------ pass in on $dsl2 replay-to ($dsl2 $gw2)\
                     /        from any to any
                    /        pass out on $dsl1 route-to ($dsl2 $gw2)\
                   /          from $ip2 to any
             | webapp |

man pf.conf, read the snippit about "reply-to" (not replay-to). It mentions something you're missing...

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