On 22:59, Fri 17 Jun 05, Frank Cases wrote:
> Hi all
> we got a current setup withc involves
> FW1 and FW2 carped and pfsynced as pf firewalls
> and CLUSTER having HOST A,B under them
> they are using carp to failover load balance also
> We would need a hand in configuration.
> we have server runnign on HOST A,B using tcp ,udp 4569 5060 and 9999-2000k
> thing is when the traffic come to 4569 or 5060 the RTP stream is not
> rewritten right and goes back out to a 192.168.XXXX if the client had that
> as source addy..
> and its also sending as SRC ip back to client witch make a
> eturn packet impossible.
> Can one help ?

I think this is not a PF issue but an asterisk issue :)
In sip.conf you should set the externip and localnet vars 
Also try canreinvite=no for all clients.

That is the way it works here :) Almost same setup as you
Michiel van Baak
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D

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