Stefan Zill wrote:
> Jon Hart wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 07:39:41AM -0400, Melameth, Daniel D. wrote:
> > > The TCP ACKs are not the issue.  The issue is I never get more
> > > than half of what I set the bandwidth value to.
> > 
> > I've never been able to get exactly the bandwidth I specified in my
> > pf.conf altq rules.
> I almost always get, what I specify in the altq-definitions. Yet,
> Once I had such an issue. I ran some kind of local proxy, which
> connected from my (tun0) to (tun0) and later this data left through
> tun0 on a different connection. The first connection, although not
> physically passing through the external interface, consumed
> altq-bandwidth. Maybe you have a similiar kind of issue, such that
> your traffic passes through altq twice. I removed my problem by
> simply using (lo0) to (lo0) connections, instead of (tun0) to (tun0).
> Maybe this behaviour can be considered a bug, maybe it can be removed
> by using better pf-rules.

No proxy is in place, but I might look into this further... or maybe
it's a bug.

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