Also see:

openbsd 3.8

First: is it not possible to catch the startx output? /bin/ksh

Then; as far as I can tell (from the output after killing X) everything
(video, resolutions monitor) agrees and works. If I Ctrl-Alt-F2, and ps
-x I'll get fvwm, xterm and the likes.
But as you might guess, I don't get any video/picture/image! All I get
is blinking cursor (at first attempt) and an extra "=E7" sign (at
succeeding attempts). No mouse cursor (/dev/tty00) visible either.
According to startx tty00 seems ok (no errors). /dev/wsmouse0 gives
errors. Also PCI card is not detected correctly (after lots of
research; old 1MB PCI card; startx needs and uses SVGA_Server), but it
runs correct according to the output (and internet info) on this
different chipset.

xdm will not start either - I have to manually shut the PC down!
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace won't work! According to xdm-system, my mouse is on
/dev/wsmouse0, tty00 gives errors.

I configured X with xf86config3 (which is more detailed and all I
need). Just to be sure, also used xorgconfig and placed the
configuration file in /etc/.

Also tuned /etc/XF86Config and added (to no avail)
Option "no_bitblt"
Option "noaccel"

machdep.allowaperature =3D 2

Xorg -configure does not work (unrecognised option -configure).

The script command I received for getting the startx-log was a real
genius tip
X-version: 3.3.6a
Strange log remark after reading startx output: xf86ReadBios. Failed to
open /dev/mem Permission denied.

What can I do?=20

Thanx : )

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