Is anyone out there successfully using HFSC in a "production environment" or 
other that could share their experiences, whatever they might be? I've had 
good success on an ADSL connection queueing outband traffic to a VoIP provider 
and "splitting" off local Ethernet bandwidth to local machines on the 
"outside" of the firewall. I'm using a two-level queuing hierarchy that splits 
the outbound Ethernet bandwidth ( I estimated 6Mbps for a 10Mbps interface) 
into approximately 1Mbps up to my ISP and the rest for local bandwidth to 
machines just "outside" of the firewall on a hub using OpenVPN-wrapped tunnel 
links. The local bandwidth is the lowest priority.

One interesting thing I notice (this is OpenBSDV3.7/i386) with queueing, I 
don't think this is HFSC specific, that some of my outband pass rules with a 
queueing statement for ( queue_a, queue_b ) actually place all the traffic in 
the queue_b TCP ACK queue instead of queue_a - is there a common mistake I've 
overlooking in my ruleset? I figured I'd ask this generically before I post my 
long & obviously unoptmized ruleset. ;)

Thanks in advance for any/all responses. :) Happy Holidays to all celebrating 
in the winter season!

        __| |_ __  / _| |_        ____ __
dmfh @ / _` | '  \|  _| ' \   _  / _\ \ /
       \__,_|_|_|_|_| |_||_| (_) \__/_\_\

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