Hi "pf mailing list",

I wrote about that problem of "pf' persiste table self
blanking oug" :

> I also thought it was not a normal functionning. BUT
> I
> am wondering if it could be linked to the fact that
> my
> external interface on the Internet change
> dynamically
> with PPPoE. I work with DynDNS. Is it correct ?

Shame on me, after investigation this is in fact the
My ISP is resetting the line every 20 hours. So it run
automatically ppp.linkdown which restart pf with new
parameters as tun0 get a new IP address and pf rules
need to be updated... and THAT is the problem.

So I'll use the trick to fill the persistent table
with a file and save the content of the blocked ip in
it to reload them after the reset.

Thank you and sorry to have disturbed you.


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