
Ok, I think I get it, thank you for the thorough explanation! According
my man page, "floating" is the default which confuses me a bit, since
I'm not specifying if-bound, and would expect the returning SA to match
the "floating" state created on the first S outbound, but I guess this
is wrong. I've added states on inbound and the return state is indeed
created with correct wscales now. Now I just have to add states to all
the inbound definitions, which is going to take me a while.

This may be a redundant feature to ask for, but if a pass without a
state always is suspicious, a "set states on <ifspec>" rule, or
something, to always create states on pass rules, would help clean up my
rule files and improve readability a bit.

Something I've been wondering about for a long time is S/SA. If we live
in the age of "default deny", why create states on SFR or something else
bizarre? Why even allow it to pass?

Also a huge thank you for the brilliant contribution to the security

Kind regards,
Fredrik Widlund

Daniel Hartmeier wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 02:29:19PM +0200, Fredrik Widlund wrote:
>> So, there are indeed 2 states, one without wscaling. I don't understand
>> why the returning state (S->C) is created, and not matched to the
>> initial NAT state? Is it because I create the state on "out" and is this
>> then invalid?! I use this normally without problems on many routers.
> A state entry is always bound to the direction of the packet that
> creates it. For instance, if you have a pf box with two interfaces and a
> connection flowing through it, you'll get two separate state entries,
> one on each interface. The entry on the first interface won't match
> packets on the second interface, because, there, packets flow in the
> opposite direction. In short, a state entry does not allow packets of
> one connection _through_ the firewall as a whole, but generally only
> through one interface.
> There are of course special cases, like when you simply don't filter on
> one of the interfces, but in general, requiring multiple states per
> connection is intentional. It allows more fine-grained control of what
> interfaces a connection may flow through (compared to a blanket 'allowed
> to pass through anywhere'). See the pf.conf(5) parts about if-bound vs.
> floating, for more details.
> The difference between if-bound and floating is NOT that floating is
> that blanket check 'through the firewall'. It's a more subtle difference
> for the case where you have more than two interfaces, like
>                 ---- $out1
>    $in ---- pf <
>                 ---- $out2
> With static routing, one connection will only pass through either $out1
> or $out2 exclusively, so if-bound states are fine. But when you have
> dynamic routing (or load balancing), you might want to allow packets of
> one connection to pass through both $out1 and $out2. THEN you'd use
> floating states instead of if-bound. But no matter whether you use
> if-bound or floating states on the $out interfaces, those states will
> never match packets on $in, because there the direction is reversed.
> Now, given that there are two states, one per interface involved, check
> again that each state gets created on the initial SYN of the connection.
>> I have a very large ruleset, with 10+ segments and many hosts, but I
>> have only one state rule: "pass out keep state". I have default deny on
>> everything. In essence the stripped ruleset relevant for the case is:
>> block log all
>> pass out keep state
>> nat on vlan_external from vlan_x:network to $internet -> $gateway
>> pass in on vlan_x from vlan_x:network to $internet
> The last rule is suspicious, it could allow an initial SYN in (on
> vlan_x) without creating state. That SYN then passes out (on another
> interface), creating the state there correctly. The SYN+ACK will pass in
> on the other interface (based on the state created there), and then gets
> routed out through vlan_x. There, it doesn't match any state, and passes
> based on the generic 'pass out keep state' rule. Hence, you crate state
> on vlan_x on the SYN+ACK instead of the initial SYN. Breaking wscale
> support.
> In short, ANY 'pass' rule without 'keep state' is always suspicious.
> Also, adding 'flags S/SA' to all 'pass' rules helps spot these problems
> early, as they are not (unintentionally) matching SYN+ACKs.
> Daniel

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