I posted this on misc@openbsd.org, but realized maybe I would have better luck posting here. What follows is my original post plus the one reply I received and my
subsequent response.

On Sat, Apr 01, 2006 at 03:28:36PM -0500, Gabriel Wachman wrote:
Everything I know about PF is taken from the PF/NAT FAQ's, and
the pf man page.

Suppose you are using NAT as follows: nat on $ext_if from
$int_if:network to ! $int_if:network -> ($ext_if)

where $ext_if and $int_if are the external and internal
interfaces of the firewall, respectively. For the purposes of
this discussion, assume that this firewall has only the two
interfaces, and is only filtering/translating between the
$int_if:network and the Internet. In other words, it doesn't
filter/translate any other traffic.

If NAT translation happens BEFORE any filter rules are evaluated
(see http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/nat.html), then wouldn't it be
true that an outbound packet from the internal network will be
seen by the filtering engine as a packet with source IP of the

No, because the filtering engine is smart enough to 'remember' the original packet.

However, it will be seen as such by, for instance, another box on
the external network.

Maybe an example will help illustrate my question:

Looking at /usr/share/pf/faq-example1: <snip> nat on $ext_if from
$int_if:network to any -> ($ext_if) <snip> pass in  on $int_if
from $int_if:network to any keep state <snip>

Why is that second rule necessary? NAT translates any
Internet-bound packets so that they have a source IP of the
firewall so it would seem that this rule never gets evaluated.
From my understanding, the filtering engine should only see
packets with source IPs of the firewall, or destination IPs of
the internal network, as that is all that will be left if NAT
translates everything first.

As noted above, the filtering engine is a little smarter than this.

nat pass would be a shorter way to write the above, by the way.


Thanks Joachim. I understand you to mean that even though the source
IP gets translated by NAT, the filtering engine filters on the
original IP address. That makes sense to me, except that the NAT FAQ

"Also be aware that since translation occurs before filtering, the
filter engine will see the translated packet with the translated IP
address and port as outlined in How NAT Works."

To me, that clearly indicates that the filtering engine sees only the
post-translated packets, with no idea of the contents of the
pre-translated packets. Therefore the filtering engine should only
see the translated source IP and destination IP of outbound and
inbound packets, respectively, from the NAT'ed internal network.
Unless I'm misreading the FAQ, or it's wrong, then my original
question remains.

Thanks again, Gabriel

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