On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 09:09:30PM -0500, Travis H. wrote:

> What would be the appropriate way to submit additions to the PF FAQ
> and/or pf.conf manpage?  Specifically, what is the source format,
> where can I get the source (for the FAQ, I know where to get the
> unformatted manpage), and to whom exactly should I send the diffs?

The FAQ (its HTML source code) is maintained in the CVS repository[1], you
can check out a copy using cvs(1) from one of the public mirrors[2] like

  $ cvs -d $CVSROOT -q checkout www/faq/pf

Then edit the HTML files until they contain the changes you want to make
and render properly

  $ cd www/faq/pf
  $ vi index.html
  $ lynx index.html

and produce a unified (the -u option matters) diff

  $ cvs -q diff -u >~/my.diff
  $ more ~/my.diff

Then mail it to the public www@ list or the maintainers directly, who
are nick@ and [EMAIL PROTECTED] Note that the lists generally strip MIME
attachments, so include the diff in the body of the mail as plain text.

The man page is similar, but you'd send the diff to misc@ or tech@,
there aren't dedicated maintainers, but if you want to contact someone
personally, check the CVS history for someone who has recently commited
to the file you have a diff for.

If you plan larger changes, submit them in smaller chunks, each
containing one particular aspect entirely, those are easier to digest.


[1] http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/www/faq/pf/
[2] http://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html

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