What if your firewall box has ssh access on the external interface and
you want to make sure no-one accessing sshd can hog up the bandwidth;
you can't do this with pf.
What if you're using OpenBSD as a desktop computer, you might want to
allow certain applications different bandwidth allowances; you can't do
this with pf (without an extra box).
What if you've got an OpenBSD multi user sshd machine: you want to
allow all users internet access, but you want to make sure they can all
have an equal share of the download bandwidth; you can't do this with
pf (without an extra box, and some sort of very messy identd+tables

As far as firewalls go I'm a big fan of pf, actually I just finished
writing a fairly detailed walkthrough of my pf.conf (
http://kuliukas.com/guide.html ), which is why I don't want to have to
use/recommend something else if I need this functionality; I think
download shaping would be the icing on the cake.
I'm not demanding anyone do anything, I'm not trolling, I just want to
get this acknowledged as an area for potential development. Why
everyone's so resistant to this is beyond me. That this is the only
extra feature I'd like to have in pf I think reflects pretty well on


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