Daniel Hartmeier wrote:
> Here's a major update to pfstat. The most important changes:

Im getting some very strange numbers out of this now, number of states
for example, are shown to be around seven thousand in the graph,
while pfctl shows only 680. Most other values are just plain off.
The graphs also have a lot less resolution, nowhere near the 1 update per minute
that I commit to the database. Every other update graphs disappear completely
for no obvious reason, only to come back minutes later in the shape of a solid 

How it normally looks:

Below is my pfstat.conf

collect 1 = interface "xl1" pass packets in ipv4 diff
collect 2 = interface "xl1" pass packets out ipv4 diff
collect 3 = interface "xl1" block packets in ipv4 diff
collect 4 = interface "xl1" block packets out ipv4 diff
     image "/var/www/htdocs/info/pf1.png" {
             from 6 hours to now
             type png
             width 500 height 300
                     graph 1 "pass in" "packets/s" color 0 198 0 filled,
                     graph 2 "pass out" "packets/s" color 0 0 198
                     graph 3 "block in" "packets/s"  color 198 0 0,
                     graph 4 "block out" "packets/s" color 198 198 0

collect 5 = interface "xl1" pass bytes in ipv4 diff
collect 6 = interface "xl1" pass bytes out ipv4 diff
collect 7 = global states entries
     image "/var/www/htdocs/info/pf2.png" {
        from 6 hours to now
        type png
        width 500 height 300
                graph 5 "incoming" "bits/s" color 0 198 0 filled,
                graph 6 "outgoing" "bits/s" color 0 0 198 filled
                graph 7 "states" "entries" color 198 198 0

and here is the crontab stuff that keeps it running:
*       *       *       *       *       /usr/local/bin/pfstat -q >/dev/null
*/5     *       *       *       *       /usr/local/bin/pfstat -p -c 
/etc/pfstat.conf >/dev/null

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