On 07/12/2006 02:33:12 AM, Daniel Hartmeier wrote:

We recently had a lenghty thread about the disadvantages (requiring
separate hosts) of lacking inbound queues

FWIW, I've put a separate OpenBSD host in front of my firewall/router
(which has several internal nics)
just for inbound queuing in order to support prioritization of
voip traffic and it's been working well for several months now.
(The real trick was hfsc queuing in rather than cbq.  I'm
sure priority based queuing would work as well.)
So, in practice, the tcp rate limiting successfully throttles
the sender that's on the far end of the narrow pipe.

One of these days I really will do some stats to prove it
works in the hopes that somebody will implement inbound queuing
so I can get rid of the extra box.
(Unless somebody's already planning to support inbound queuing?
Hope springs eternal.  :-)

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