On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 11:07:46AM -0400, Peter wrote:

> I have installed the pfstat 1.7 package on my 3.8 system.  The trouble
> is that I do not get any data being graphed.  Here is my test setup:
> # cat /etc/pf.conf
> pass log all

Add "set loginterface fxp0", which designates one interface to collect
those counters for, which pfstat collects.

(newer versions of pfstat can query other interface counters, so the
loginterface isn't needed anymore, and you can plot graphs for multiple

> Bonus question: How does the program reconcile the data file being
> updated at a different interval than the one the graph is being
> generated with (i.e. every one minute as opposed to every five
> minutes)?

Each line contains the timestamp (unix epoch time, seconds since 1970)
of when the counters had those values of that line.

The rest is simple math done by pfstat. When it needs to find out which
height to draw one specific pixel at, it calculates what timestamps the
left and right edge of the pixel represent. For example, if you plot a
whole year on 800 pixels width, one pixel represents about
365*24*60*60/800 == 39420 seconds. If this is left-most pixel, and you
plot the year ending with timestamp 1152805255 (today, 17:40:55 MEST),
that pixel represents the time range 1152765835-1152805255.

For that pixel, pfstat will take all log entries that fall at least
partly within that range, and calculates weighted average, minimum, and
maximum of all matching log entries.

While it costs a little CPU time to do that, it allows to plot graphs
with arbitrary widths over arbitray time ranges, no matter how often or
regular the values are collected. In extreme cases (much more pixels
than values), you'll see one value spread over many pixels, generating a
"blocky" staircase or even a simple horizontal line. But the average
should be mathematically correct, i.e. the area below the line (width
times height) matches the amount of bytes transfered in that time


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