On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 02:04:32PM -0700, George Pontis wrote:

> pass in quick on $int_if \
>         route-to ($ext_if2 $ext_gw2) \
>         inet proto tcp from to any flags S/SA \
>         keep state (floating) \

You seem to be assuming that a floating state created on $int_if will match
packets on fxp0 (presumably $ext_if). That's simply not the case.

More details can be found in


In short, you need a "pass out on fxp0 ... keep state" rule for those
connections, and you'll get TWO states per connection.



Yes, my understanding of (floating) was incorrect and I thank you for the
pointer which explained that nicely.

The original problem remains, though, since I have always used pass out
rules for both external interfaces:

pass out on $ext_if1 inet proto tcp all flags S/SA keep state queue (q_def1,
pass out on $ext_if1 inet proto { udp, icmp } all keep state queue (q_def1,

pass out on $ext_if2 inet proto tcp all flags S/SA keep state queue (q_def2,
pass out on $ext_if2 inet proto { udp, icmp } all keep state queue (q_def2,
# route packets from any IPs on $ext_if1 to $ext_gw1 and the same for
ext_if2 to ext_gw2
pass out on $ext_if2 route-to ($ext_if1 $ext_gw1) from $ext_if1 to any flags
S/SA keep state
pass out on $ext_if1 route-to ($ext_if2 $ext_gw2) from $ext_if2 to any flags
S/SA keep state

There must be something about my understanding of how packets are routed
that is at the root of the problem. I say that
since the packets that are dropped are being routed out ext_if1 in
contradiction to the route-to ext_if2 option.
How can I express the logic in pf that will ensure that all the traffic for
a specific LAN host will always route
through a specific interface, no matter what is in the system routing tables


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