On 09/12/2006 02:16:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Am Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:14:13 -0300
> schrieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 20 pass out on $ext_if from $PC to any port 80 keep state
> You are doing nat. nat occures before filter rules so you have to
> change the rule to the following:
> pass out on $ext_if from ($ext_if) to any port 80 keep state

Sorry but this example doesn't solve my problem.

It solves half your problem, the half that allows in the return
traffic that's a response to the traffic you send out the external

Maybe I should block the internal incoming packets to PF at $if_ne3, I
mean by deleting this rule: 'pass in quick on $int_if from
$int_if:network to any keep state' and creating a new one for every
specific internal host that I want to allow in a restricted way access
to the Internet.

One rule that uses a table to allow access to port 80 would be better.

Start with one rule that allows one pc.  Then substitute in a table.

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