The pfrkentry pool holds the table entries. The size of one entry
(depends on architecture, here 216 bytes) multiplied by the number of
entries is 216*70000 = 14.41MB. So 70,000 isn't that large. 700,000
would probably be a challenge, and 7,000,000 would be beyond reasonable

$0.02 added....

An example of using an extremely big table would be to try
to use the CBL list, rsync to get it, sed to remove unwanted lines

/usr/local/bin/rsync rsync:// 

## example if your IP was
sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' -e '/^[0-9]/!d' \
-e '/^199.233.112/d' cbl-list.txt.rsync > cbl-list.txt

## number of IP addresse in the list
# wc -l cbl-list.txt
 3112763 cbl-list.txt

Thats over 3 million lines, wow. So would that be over 3 million entries
and with the previous example 3,112,763 * 216 = 672 MB
That math correct?  And add the smaller spews list, korean & china lists
to that also.  So how well does pf work with CBL?


A good reason to want this list is that it has IPs of many of the exploited computers that are used as bots.

A nominal i386 computer with only a meg of ram
without limit changes would not load it.

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